Jobs that Care is a collaborative programme developed by South West London Health and Care Partnership and Health Education England. It is designed to increase the number of young people that seek employment in health and social care by engaging with them face-to-face and digitally.
Jobs That Care is a unique mix of active learning resources that make the learning process fun and stress-free:
"Jobs That Care Game is an innovative concept in careers education that is simple, easy to setup and it really works. Our students were engaged quickly and within minutes were enthused by their exploration of the wide variety of employment opportunities in the healthcare sector."
Carl Fazackerley, Director of Sixth Form & Aspirations,
Ark Walworth
Since January 2019 over 5,000 students in South West London schools have been visited by the Jobs That Care Team. Here’s what the students told us:

Jobs That Care encourages students to discuss and explore health and social care (H&SC), allowing them to acquire new knowledge, share experiences and learn from each other.
Jobs That Care is currently focussed on school students who are planning their GCSEs subject options. However, it is relevant to anyone considering their first job, a change in career or a return to work.
The main aims of the programme are to inform and inspire students to:
- Recognise that H&SC is very diverse
- Realise a job in H&SC offers training and career progression
- Understand that a career within H&SC is fulfilling and rewarding
- Discover that working in H&SC is exciting and sociable
- Take positive action to explore the resources available

Jobs That Care Game
This bespoke board game has been co-designed with Focus Games and enables students to:
- Develop general knowledge around health and social care through Quiz cards
- Learn about different Roles, the qualifications required and the typical place of work
- Actively collaborate through Event cards by having to select best fitting roles to medical issues
The game enables teamwork, discussions, sharing current knowledge and learning together. You can download a copy of the rules and a ‘how to play’ infographic below:
What's in the box?
Games make face-to-face training more engaging and effective.
Games encourage people to talk and learn from each other.
Games can be used anywhere, by anyone with no external support.
Games = a workshop in a box.
Jobs That Care Digital Game
An enjoyable quiz that allows players to test and increase their knowledge of health and social care and to develop an understanding of the range of job opportunities. It is an HTML5 web app that can be played through any web browser on any device. Test your knowledge and try to get on the leader board.
The Jobs That Care Play
The performance was scripted specifically for Jobs That Care by Enact Solutions. 3 actors play multiple roles in this high-energy performance. They take the audiences through three engaging scenes based in a GP surgery, a community setting and finally, a hospital. The plot reveals three young school mates trying to find a lost friend and meeting many different health and social care professionals along the way. In January 2019 Enact Solutions visited 20 schools in South West London and the play was performed in front of 5,000 Year 8 students.