Jobs That Care is most effective when volunteers and ambassadors from within health and social care go into schools and engage directly with students. The Jobs That Care Game is the perfect tool to take into a school because it gives a class of students between 45 and 60 minutes of enjoyable structured learning that helps them understand more about career opportunities.
We are delighted invite you to attend one of our train-the-trainer events.
The session will cover how to set up the game, how to play the game and how to communicate with the students. At the end of the training you will receive a certificate and be on our volunteers register as an accredited JTC Board Game Facilitator.
You can download the train-the-trainer agenda and instructions and an infographic of the game rules here:
Onsite training sessions
If you would like us to facilitate a train-the-trainer event at your organisation (for 8+ colleagues) please contact us by email at SWLWorkforce@swlondon.nhs.uk